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Tips using Studio 5000 for Allen Bradley PLC Programming

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Please find Tips on using Studio 5000 Logix Designer to speed up programming on Allen Bradley PLC.

Studio 5000 Logix Designer is programming software that is used on Rockwell / Allen Bradley PLC (Control Logix, Compact Logix). Previous name is RS Logix 5000

It support :

▪️ Ladder, Function Block, Sequential Function Chart (SFC) & Structured Text (ST) programming.

▪️ Motion

▪️ Safety

Tips on attached pdf file:

▪️Tip #1 Use Find Replace & Wildcards when Importing Rungs, Program or Routine.

You can do find & replace operation when importing rungs, program or Routine. WildCards available for Studio 5000 version 24 and above.

▪️Tip #2 You can put Output Instruction in Series.

Output Instruction can be put in Series or Parallel

▪️Tip #3 Use ‘Insert’ button to insert or append Instruction or Element.

Operation mode for ‘Insert’ button depend on the mode whether in Append Mode (APP) or Insert Mode (INS)

▪️Tip #4 If remember the Instruction Mnemonic , you can type the program in Ascii text instead Drag & Drop the Instruction.

Press ‘Enter’ Button or Double Click on Left side of Rung for start editing.

▪️Tip #5 Use Excel to work on Tags (Create new Tag, Adding Description etc.). By export it to CSV file & Import it back.

Use Excel Powerfull feature to manage Controller & Local Tags

▪️Tip #6 Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Navigate Logix Designer Studio 5000.

Keyboard Shortcuts also listed in the Studio 5000 Help.

▪️Tip #7 Use ‘Go To’ (Ctrl + G) for search Tag or auto navigate through Tags in Controller Tags or Local Tags.

▪️Tip #8 Use Find Replace when edit the program.

▪️Tip #9 Sometimes much easier to use Text Editor to manipulate XML File from Exported Program / Routine & Import it back.

After Program or some rung is exported into XML File. It can be opened by Text Editor such as Notepad. And you can do search replace etc.

▪️Tip #10 Use Cross Reference (Ctrl + E) to search for Tag in the PLC Program.

▪️Tip #11 Use ‘Ctrl + Space’ to browse Tags in Structured Text Program.

▪️Tip #12 PLC program can be modified in Text Editor, by save & open the it as Text File with L5K extension.

By save the Logix Program into text file, it can be modified by Text Editor, External Program etc.

▪️Tip #13 Use Add On Instruction (AOI) for creating own instruction from Ladder, Function Block and Structured Text.

It is used to wrap up the repetitive code as one Instruction or Function

▪️Tip #14 Use Alias Tag to have tag name that easy to read or shorter.

▪️Tip #15 Use Tag Filter to show only certain Tag at Controller / Local Tag List.

▪️Tip #16 Use Quick Key, accessible through ‘Tools’ menu, ‘Option’ submenu on ‘Ladder’ Editor Categories.

▪️Tip #17 Use Filter when search & add New Module in I/O Configuration or use Module Discovery when Module already at the Network.

▪️Tip #18 You can Drag & Drop by using Mouse to copy & paste the Instruction, Tag etc.

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